The City of Sydney Law Society has adopted the following objects:
As a member you will gain access to exclusive member benefits to support you and your practice and keep you connected with news to the profession, new case-law and legislation.
Your Membership includes the following benefits:
Financial membership also entitles you to attend the Annual General Meeting held before the Annual Dinner in November of each year.
Members can nominate to serve on the Management Committee if elected at the AGM. The Constitution allows for 20 elected members. The elected Management Committee can form and serve on subcommittees if they wish to become more involved in areas of interest or expertise. The Management Committee usually meets on the third Tuesday of each month.
Members receive regular email updates with upcoming seminars and events, social functions and special notices.
The CSLS has social media page connections on LinkedIn and Instagram where you can access regular notices of upcoming events and seminars keeping you in touch.
Membership FeesIndividual Membership - $199.00* Newly Admitted (admitted 1 - 2 years) - $99.00* Student Membership - $49.00* *Associated Member - $99.00* (As been approved for Associate membership of the association by the committee of the association and is a person who currently works in the legal profession and has worked in the legal profession for a period of five years (in aggregate) over the last eight years). *All prices include 10% GST. |