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Missing Wills and Documents

If you wish to post a missing will notice please complete and submit the Missing Will form. Notices will be emailed to CSLS members only - not the full membership of the NSW Law Society. The notice will remain on this page for a period of 3 months.  This Missing Wills and Documents noticeboard is free to CSLS members.  A $40 fee per posting applies to non-member notices.

The purpose of the notice board is to help CSLS members and non-members to locate any last Will and Testament of a deceased person by posting details of the deceased person. An email will be sent to all CSLS members and this notice board may be viewed by CSLS member usually working in Sydney CBD. It does not reach all solicitors in Sydney or NSW where the deceased may have previously resided.  

Accordingly, this notice board service provided by CSLS should not replace other searches such as the Supreme Court notices, newspapers and writing directly to solicitors where the deceased previously resided. Solicitors acting on the estate would be expected to conduct these searches as a prerequisite before applying to the Court for a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration.


Select the following item to purchase access to our Missing Wills and Documents submission form (free to CSLS members).

Once your purchase has been completed you will receive an email containing your payment receipt and a link to the lodgement form where you can enter and submit all the details of the missing will or document.

Your submitted details will be manually posted to our Missing Wills & Documents page on this website so please allow up to 48 hours for your submission to appear.

Payment of Fee

Click on the item below to make payment


Would any person or firm with knowledge of any will or document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of SARAH ELIZABETH ARNOT late of Newtown who died on 25 March 2024 please contact Elizabeth Ramsay at A R Conolly & Company Pty Ltd, GPO Box 738, Sydney NSW 2001 Tel: (02) 915 90777 Email: (Posted 7 November 2024)

Would any person or firm with knowledge of any will or document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of KEIRON JOHN SUMMERS late of Punchbowl who died on 26 August 2023 please contact Charlotte Saradetch at  Allegiant Lawyers, Level 21, 133 Castlereagh Street Sydney  Tel: 02 9518 3853 Email: (Posted 28 November 2024).

Would any person or firm with knowledge of any Will or other document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of JOAQUIM FERREIRA MARTINS, late of Lewisham who died on 3 June 2024 please contact Telmo Martins of Sydney Law Consultants, PO Box 668, Petersham NSW 2049 Tel: (02) 9569 5000 Email: (Posted 5 December 2024)

Would any person or firm with knowledge of any will or document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of JOYCE ELIZABETH WILLIAMS late of Mount Annan, Birrong and Sefton who died on 13 April 2024 please contact Deborah C West,  PO Box 255 Balgowlah NSW 2093 Tel: (+61) 0438 560 668 Email: (Posted 5 December 2024)

Would any person or firm with knowledge of any will or document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of HALIL CANDEMIR late of Bankstown who died in or around 2019 please contact Emily McEwan of Dowson Turco Lawyers, 16/572 King Street, Newtown, Tel: 02 8000 7300 Email: (Posted 5 December 2024) .

Would any person or firm with knowledge of any will or document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of LIBERTA ROLINE RENSEN late of South Bowenfels and Blackheath who died on 5 October 2024, please contact Julia Bridgewater of Snedden Hall & Gallop, Locked Bag 3003 Deakin West ACT 2600 Tel: 02 62 858 000 Email: 5 December 2024)

Would any person or firm with knowledge of any will or document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of DANIELLE ANN KEYTE late of Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick who died on 24 June 2024,  please contact Fiona Wallace at Emery Partners PO Box 164 Cessnock NSW 2325 Tel: (02) 49 93 9400 Email: (Posted 20 December 2024)

Would any person or firm with knowledge of any will or document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of COLIN LEAH late of Maitland Hospital, Metford who died on 2 August 2024, please contact Fiona Wallace at Emery Partners PO Box 164 Cessnock NSW 2325 Tel: (02) 49 93 9400 Email: (Posted 20 December 2024)

Would any person or firm with knowledge of any will or document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of SHIRLEY RAE DUNN late of Amaroo, ACT who died on 11 January 2024 please contact James Martin at Snedden Hall & Gallop Lawyers, 43-49 Geils Court  Deakin ACT 2600 Tel: (02) 6285 8000 Email: (posted 29 January 2025)

Would any person or firm with knowledge of any will or document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of DANNY AVIRAME late of Hillview House Aged Care, Woy Woy who died on 7 January 2025, please contact Megan Turnbull of Turnbull Law Pty Ltd, Shop 7, 29 Eldon Street Pitt Town NSW 2756 Tel: 0414 529 937 Email: (Posted 7 February 2025)


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